Love camping? An existing temporary campsite owner? Hosting pop-up camping events? Well, the amount of camping you can host or do has just increased… in planning terms.

At present, those who wish to have temporary camping site on their property can do so, for up to 28 days per year, so essentially just under a month in any 12-month period.  However, during COVID, the Government relaxed the 28-day rules to allow up to 56 days of camping to accommodate those who had to isolate and to also assist with the inability for people to easily travel abroad. As a result of these relaxations, the Government further consulted on making permanent alterations to permitted development rights, to extend the camping rules.

From 26th July 2023, temporary camp sites will be allowed to host up to 50 tents for up to 60 days in any 12 months. This more than doubles the number of days it is possible to camp on one site from now, albeit for only up to 50 tents at time as well as allowing any moveable structure reasonably necessary for the purposes of the permitted use.  Grab your tents and off you run to the nearest field, yes?  Well, not quite.  As great as headline sounds, there are still a number of criteria that must be met by the camp site in order for the 60 days to apply.

Class BC of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) Order 2023 outlines that development (use of the land for 60 days) will not be permitted if:

  • The site is a scheduled monument;
  • Is in a safety hazard area;
  • In a military explosives storage area;
  • On a site of special scientific interest;
  • On a site of a listed building.

This use class does not permit the siting of caravans. It is purely tents. It does, however, include vans that have been converted into campers (i.e. a motor vehicle designed or adapted for human habitation).

In addition to the above restrictions, any developer (camp site owner/provider) MUST notify the Council BEFORE the commencement of the development in each calendar year and must make on-site provision for toilet and waste disposal facilities. Within the notification they must lay out a site plan for the proposed 60-day camp site. Within the site plan the developer must include the provision of toilet and waste disposal facilities and also must outline the dates that the site will be in use.

Application sites within flood zone 2 or flood zone 3 are subject to prior approval (a 56-day process) and must also submit flood risk assessments, including provision for warning and evacuation as well as any fee required to be paid.

So, whilst on initial look, it seems that there has been a nice increase in the number of days camping is allowed, there are still a number of restrictions on where camp sites can be set up, and the process that must be followed in order for the temporary use to be lawful and classified as permitted development.

If you would like to discuss these changes any further in relation to a potential site that you have, do get in touch or book a 15 minute mini-chat via: or send us an email to