You can reach us on the contact details below and we will come back to you as soon as we can.  Please note that during times of high workload we will be honest with you as to timescales to allow you to take a view as to whether this would work for you in terms of response and instruction. We prioritise existing/live instructions over taking on new work, during busy periods, so that (importantly to us) we do not let anyone down who we have already made a commitment to and in order to ensure all projects are allocated sufficient time as required.

We would stress that we do not, and will not, take on every single project which we are approached on.  We will only engage with people on projects for which we feel we are a good fit and can add value.  We will not take on proposals or work simply to create jobs or charge fees.  We like to be able to sleep at night!


Bewdley, Worcestershire.

Penkridge, South Staffordshire

(By Appointment Only)


Please give us a call on 0330 0563339.


For new or generic enquiries send us an email on

For administration or invoice enquiries please email