The starting point for determination of any proposal is the Local Plan, which is different for every Local Planning Authority (LPA) taking into account all other material considerations.  Some areas also have Neighbourhood Plans which are part of the Local Plan.  Relevant considerations can include the National Planning Policy Framework, any designations (such as Green Belt or a National Landscape) as well as further guidance within Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance. Combine this with planning policy guidance, case law, appeal decisions, permitted development rights and there is a lot to consider when preparing and submitting applications at the right time. The planning system is constantly evolving – the National Planning Policy Framework was revised twice at the end of 2023 alone!

Submission requirements for proposals which can vary according to what you are applying for and local validation lists.  As well as plans or your proposals applications can often require further supporting surveys and information including, for example, speed surveys and highways reports, ecology surveys, tree surveys, biodiversity net gain calculations, landscaping plans, structural surveys, landscape visual impact assessments, noise surveys and flood risk assessments.  We can source these for you as a single point of contact making preparing an application as seamless as possible or work with reports and plans which you have prepared.

When we say we deal with everything from permitted development to full applications and everything in between – it is true!  We can guide you through all of the above taking into account what you wish to apply for the policy position of the LPA you are applying for and the best way to prepare and submit applications.  We also prepare supporting statements, against planning policy and taking into account all the relevant factors, to present your application as clearly and strongly as possible for case officers and any interested parties.  Once applications are submitted, we commit to checking an applications regularly, providing you with updates and if any issues arise during the process we are on hand to respond to queries, suggest amendments or provide responses to consultees or comments during the application process.  We do not just submit an application, leave it and never speak to you again!

Our varying roles have seen us involved in the more “standard” planning work for extensions, dwellings, conversions, farm buildings, certificate of lawfulness, condition discharge work, prior notifications and commercial projects across the country, however, we have also been involved in more rare applications and contentious applications such as crematorium facilities and drive thru’ coffee facilities to an abattoir and petrol forecourt lighting.  We will, and can, take on projects of all sizes if we are a good fit and can add value to you as our client and these vary from smaller projects right up to major applications including, for example, large scale solar.

We can essentially do as much or as little as you need to support you on your planning application journey.  We can take control and manage everything or if you have your plans and surveys and are happy submitting an application, but you do not fancy writing all the “policy bits”, we can standalone supporting statements for you to use in your own submissions.  This applies to both private clients as well as other consultancies – we regularly provide branded, and unbranded, planning statements for other consultancies and architectural practices for them to use within their submissions.

Planning work can be broken down, if required, into two stages with our development appraisal service being a great starting point for those who want to figure out their options before committing to the expense of preparing and submitting a full application.  Such appraisals have proven useful for people not sure if they can do what they have in mind and/or for people who want to consider options, likely requirements and therefore costings prior to a formal application.

All of our work is undertaken with transparent fee quotations (or fee caps which will not be exceeded without written consent) which are sent out accompanied by a clear breakdown of likely submission requirements or reports and we are on hand to answer any queries.  There are also, in some cases, paid upgrade options for those who need work undertaking ahead of standard lead in times.   You will not be faced with any unexpected or mounting invoices throughout the process, and we provide clear outlines of when work will be completed on “week commencing” basis so that we can ensure adequate time is allocated to any projects and clients are not left in the dark with no timescales or updates to work to.

We are therefore committed to being open, fair and transparent through the process and, ultimately, we are here to provide you with advice and support which you can follow and act upon as you feel appropriate.  One thing can guarantee you – we will tell you how it is.  We will manage your project in a manner which ensures only necessary expenditure, however, we will not cut corners.

In 2022 we won Small Planning Consultancy of the Year (West Midlands) at the RTPI (Royal Town Planning Institute) Awards for Planning Excellence (and were then National Finalists for the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2022 in the same category). The judges for the awards commented that:

“For a small consultancy, they have a range and depth of knowledge that serves their client-base well. Impressive.”

We have a very wide range of rural and urban planning experience including:


  • Development Appraisals
  • Options appraisals
  • Pre-purchase advice
  • Pre-application advice
  • Policy reviews
  • Local plan consultations
  • Review of previously refused applications


  • Planning appeal advice
  • Option/promotion agreements and monitoring
  • Householder applications
  • Residential Development
  • Renewable energy
  • Greenbelt and Conservation Area applications
  • Planning condition variations
  • Certificates of lawfulness
  • Listed Building Consent
  • Change of Use applications
  • Agricultural buildings
  • Barn conversions
  • Rural Worker’s dwellings
  • Rural diversification projects
  • Equestrian development
  • Planning committee representation
  • Objections to applications
  • Enforcement matters


  • Planning appeal advice
  • Option/promotion agreements and monitoring
  • Householder applications
  • Residential Development
  • Renewable Energy
  • Consents for Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
  • Planning condition variations
  • Certificates of lawfulness
  • Listed Building Consent
  • Change of Use applications
  • Commercial applications
  • Planning committee representation
  • Objections to applications
  • Enforcement matters