We are nearly at the end of 2020 and what an odd one it has been for all of us!  Fortunately for me it is ending in the middle of a very busy spell and I already have work scheduled in for much of January so that is a fortunate position to be in!

Just a quick note from me re: Christmas and New Year and my working hours.

Wednesday 23rd December – Finishing at 3pm;

Thursday 24th December – Closed

Friday 25th December – Closed

Monday 28th December  – Closed

I will be working 29th/30th/31st but only in so far as I am doing existing work and responding to anything urgent only.  Any new queries will be responded to in the New Year.

Monday 4th January 2021 – Back working as “normal”

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and All the Best for 2021

From, Eleni and #officedog Moose x