*Training Event*
Introduction to Planning Appeals
Date: 24th April 2020 – 09.30 – 16:00 (registration from 09:00)
Venue: Gainsborough House Hotel (Devonshire Suite),
Bewdley Hill, Kidderminster, DY11 6BS
Speaker: Eleni Randle (BSc (hons) MSc FRICS FAAV MRTPI)
• Chartered Town Planner;
• Chartered Surveyor and RICS Registered Valuer;
• Fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers;
• RICS APC Mentor and Assessor;
• RICS Young Surveyor of the Year (Land) – Winner 2019
Cost: £145/head to include all refreshments and lunch (please specify dietary requirements at the time of booking to enquiry@eldnarconsultancy.co.uk)
In any one year the Planning Inspectorate receives up to 22,000 appeals and, of these, the average success rate is only around 30%. Despite such a large volume of appeals there is little to no formal training for the professionals who are preparing and submitting on behalf of their clients. Basic understanding about roles, the basis of determination and use of evidence can greatly improve submissions and put the best case forward in support of your appeal.
This new course contains sessions focused on key areas to support your role and development as you undertake work within the planning system and will cover:
• The role of the Planning Inspector and the agent;
• Planning policies and supplementary guidance – their role in determination;
• Receipt of a refusal and defining the main issues;
• Preparation and submission of an appeal;
• Use of evidence within an appeal submission;
• The appeal process from start to finish including costs applications.
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at planning consultants and surveyors who are wishing to develop their understanding of the appeal system and improve their submissions going before Inspectors. The content will be geared towards written representations for standard S78/householder type appeals.
Delegate numbers are restricted to 15 to allow group work and discussion, within smaller groups, during the day. Bookings via Eventbrite (click here to go to booking page).
Any queries please contact use the contact details on the contact page of this site. I look forward to seeing you all there!