The Crown, Martley mixed development
Dear Local Resident(s) and Interested Parties
We are instructed by our clients to prepare a re-submission for the mixed-use development of The Crown at Martley. Following the previous application which was refused with the original agent the new proposals are illustrated on the plan attached. If, reading this on our website, you would like copies of the plans please get in touch via the email address below.
The new proposal is for: Retention of the existing public house, creation of pub gardens, two commercial units, two holiday lets and four new residential dwellings.
The proposal is materially different in the following ways and comprises the following:
- Reduction in residential units from seven to four;
- Residential units are a mix of housing sizes including detached four-bedroom unit and a row of three units to the front of the site (2 x 3-bedroom and 1 x 2-bedrooms);
- Retention of the area of Local Green Space as identified in the Martley, Knightwick and Doddenham Neighbourhood Plan with improved landscaping;
- Retention of the public house (increased area to previous application) with engagement and justification from suitably qualified individuals in the hospitality industry;
- Outdoor pub gardens (one to rear and one to front of the site);
- Two commercial units (Use Class E);
- Two Holiday lets to be utilised in association with the public house as visitor accommodation;
- Amended parking layout (a total of 26 spaces for the public house and commercial units) (exceeding policy requirement of 19, in response to concerns from Parish Council that the public house had insufficient parking).
Hopefully it can be seen that the previous scheme has been heavily reviewed in light of comments received as well as the previous refusal reasons.
We are keen to give local residents the opportunity to view the new proposed layout and to provide their comments before re-submission of the application to Malvern Hills District Council. The application is intended to be submitted in October 2021 and we will endeavour to incorporate comments and suggestions within this from the local community.
Your comments are invited in this regard.
Any comments must be received no later than 12noon on Monday 11th October 2021 in order for us to collate them for review. This consultation will be managed by Beth Dennis.
If you have any comments or views you would like to put forward these can be sent via email, titled ‘The Crown, Martley consultation’ by email to:
We look forward to receiving your comments,
Yours faithfully,
Eleni Randle FRICS FAAV MRTPI Beth Dennis BSc (hons)
RICS Registered Valuer Surveyor