An interesting appeal decision has recently been issues which further re-enforces why I really “bang on” about protecting consents and discharging planning conditions (last article was in April 2021 on this coincidently (Please don’t overlook your planning conditions! – Eldnar Consultancy))….
This time it relates to Stafford Borough Council refusing to grant a Certificate of Lawfulness which, essentially, resulted in planning permission for a 196 berth narrowboat marina, and associated facilities and parking. The appeal was dismissed essentially due to true condition precedents again and in this case a condition had not been formally discharged by the Council and the Inspector considered that it could not be demonstrated that the permission (2017) had been begun nor could be lawfully implemented.
Entire permission now lost and it wasn’t a small one.
Using this as a polite reminder not to ignore conditions on your permissions. They often complete the consent as our advisory sheets, issued with any permission which we gain, will remind you. Again.
#planning #marina #certificate #lawful #lost #staffordshire